Sunday, March 25, 2012

Beaujolais Nouveau, 1990

This is what the vineyards will look like in November, with all the grapes harvested except for some stragglers.  All the grapes are in the barrels, fulfilling the destiny of the region.
 This is the cellar of a friend of the Longefay family, where we did some barrel tastings of previous vintages....
 ...quite happily!
 Nathalie Longefay(at that time!) Fraisse and Jeanne Murphy at a cellar of a friend of the family near St. Lager, one of the villages in the Beaujolais region where they produce Brouilly and Cote de Brouilly.  

Some facts about the wine:  Brouilly
  • Brouilly is the largest wine area in Beaujolais. It covers about 20% of the Beaujolais wine region.
  • Brouilly and Cote de Brouilly are two different crus.
  • Cotes de Brouilly grow in the slopes of the hill. Brouilly grow at the bottom.
  • Brouilly wine is fruity and full of flavor. Wine makers can add other grapes than Gamay into the wine such as Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Aligoté and Melon, up to 15%.
  • Cote de Brouilly is robust and elegant. The wine is more concentrated as the grapes get more sun than the ones at the bottom of the hill.
  • Brouilly is better when drink young while Cote de Brouilly should mature 4 or 5 years before tasting.
Chateau de la Chaize is the largest producer o f Brouilly in the region.   

 Nathalie took us to Chateau de la Chaize where her friend's son worked at the vineyard and we got the grand tour of the palatial estate. The cellar was enormous and the winemaker poured us the tasting surrounded by the barrels.
 and barrels and barrels!

Chateau de la Chaize doesn't make the Nouveau though, just the Crus.  To experience the Nouveau party we went to her cousin Louis Tete's winery where a party was in progress with live music, the typical charcuterie of the region, and cheeses.
Michel Fraisse and I point out the name of the winery outside the cellar door.                   

We did not call Michel "The Troublemaker" for nothing!
When the trucks left at midnight all the revelers went out into the street to cheer them as they roared out of town with a police escort. Thru the weekend the partying continued, in the cellar, in the bars and even on the street!

The Beaujolais Nouveau isn't the best wine of the Beaujolais region (no! the crus Beaujolais are that!) but it is a Cause Celebre and a great reason to have a party!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Beaujolais Nouveau Tour in November

Beaujolais nouveau wine makes you feel young when you drink it!
Wine enthusiasts all over the world turn their attention to the bucolic Beaujolais region in France every third Thursday in November for the release of the "Nouveau", the new wine of the current year's vintage. Release parties are held in caveaux all over the region, and it is the cause for much feasting and dancing when the trucks depart at midnight to rush the wine to waiting markets all over the world.  I was there for the Nouveau celebration twenty years ago and we went to a banquet for 100 celebrants in a huge wine cellar at a winery owned by one of the cousin's of my friend Nathalie Fraisse.  At the stroke of midnight everyone went outside to cheer on the trucks as they roared off with a police escort. Subsequent partying took place all over the region on the days following, with wine cellar open houses, parties and barrel tastings right on the roads.

Our November tour will take place from Saturday November 10 to Saturday, November 17.  We will meet in Lyon and then proceed to the village of Cogny about 45 minutes away, to install ourselves at Les Buis du Chardonnet for a week of living like French people, savoring every bite and sip. Cost for the tour, which will include lodging, meals, wine, cooking classes and admission to special events will be @ $1500 per person, not including airfare and hotel stay in Lyon, if that is necessary.

More details coming soon!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring 2012 Trip cancelled! November 10-17th for Beaujolais Nouveau!

Which direction is France anyway?

Too much, too soon, too hectic!  We both breathed a sigh of relief when we decided not to go forward with the Fete des Crus trip in April.  The timing is just too tight, with my final days at Penn State ticking by and classes ending on the day we had to leave to be there by April 29th.  Next year! so we are pulling back on that one, and focusing now on the fall trip which will take place November 10 to 17th. The Beaujolais Nouveau release is an international event, and all the wine eyes of the world will be turned to Beaujolais for an indication of the quality of the vintage.  It is a big fun party! More details to come soon--just wanted to get the word out about the dates so we can take our time and plan a fabulous tour.