Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Beaujolais Nouveau, 2012

Beaujolais Nouveau release celebrated in the village of Beaujeu!

November 15th marked the release of the the new wine and you can read about it in this Centre Daily Times account. The fact finding mission was accomplished and the Spring itinerary for the Fete du Crus will be posted on the site soon!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


The cat is out of the bag. The secret is out. At last Tuesday's Wine School with John Corr at the Allen Street Grill there was a leak--encouraged by Michael Desmond--that a spring tour is in the planning stages.  It is true.  The planning stage part is critical this time.  The 2011 trip was a big success and the participants were all very pleased.  Casting the net wider and touring with folks beyond family and close friends, the costs and activities will be determined up front and and posted on this blog for consideration.  So stay posted!  Details will be released this month--as well as teasers for a possible 2013 Nouveau tour.

Here's the flyer as a date saver.