Friday, April 29, 2011

Mary's Travel Tips--not necessarily learned by Mary

On the road again!
Tips for traveling abroad (mostly learned the hard way!!)

1. Only carry 1 credit card and passport - take all store credit cards, etc. out of your purse or wallet and carry only the bare minimum. Pick pockets LOVE tourists.

2.  I usually take some traveler's checks but rarely use them - I almost always spend them when I get home.  The best exchange rate is to use the ATM machine to get cash. I may get the bank to get me $20 in the foreign currency before I go.

(But now after getting pickpocketed in Prague I would take some travelers checks, some cash, ATM card, 1 credit card and a little foreign currency from the bank - keep it in different locations - even in your baggage and hotel. Take a cheap wallet and only carry a littlecash in it in your backpack or whatever - mostly as a decoy. Replenish your cheap wallet with your little bit of cash daily or in the privacy of a bathroom.  Hide your real money or traveler's checks and credit card in your waist money belt. Still only go out for the day with what you think you might spend.  I would not get a money belt that ties around your neck because the gypsy kids can see that and cut it off and run. If you are going to be there for a month or more, maybe you should take 2 credit cards, just in case but only carry one at a time.)

3. Pack light. (I think I take less each time I travel) Travel size containers are nice.  Make sure you can walk long distances with your entire luggage in tow. (Preferably something on wheels and a carry on that you attach to it.)

4. Bring clothes that can be layered.  It may be hot or cold - you never know.

5. It's embarrassing but it happens - when traveling, retaining water and constipation and/or diarrhea from the change of habits can be bothersome.  I bring over the counter drugs to take care of the problem.  

6. Make 2 copies of your passport.  Leave one at home and put one in your suitcase.  Do the same for your credit card (hide the copy of your credit card number well if you leave it in your hotel). If you have extra passport pictures take 2 along. If you lose your passport and have a copy and 2 passport pictures, it will greatly speed up the process of getting a new one.

7. Sometimes I take Tylenol PM on the flight over to help me rest (although it usually takes a sledgehammer+ to put me to sleep).

8. Wear very comfortable clothes for the plane ride and slip-on shoes.

9. Place medications, toiletries (basic needs), at least one outfit and a couple pairs of underwear in your carry on. I usually pack one pair of pants, 2 tops and 2 pr. of underwear in a space bag to put in my carry on. You never know when your luggage will not arrive with you.  It happened to me once - I flew from home in the middle of the winter (20 degrees) to an island in the Bahamas (95 degrees) and my suitcase did not get there for about 42 hours.  I had no clothes. Now I use travel space bags for the clothes in my carry on and for the clothes in my suitcase. They work great! You can find them at Target (and Target has their brand, too, that is cheaper - I think it is "Embark").

10. Leave all valuable jewelry at home.  Take only cheap earrings - no diamonds, etc.  I travel with just a plain gold wedding ring and 2-3 pairs of cheap earrings.

11. I usually throw in some bubble wrap and a little bit of tape just in case I find some glassware that I want.  The stores rarely will wrap it good enough.  I then carry it back in my "carry on". Sometimes I will take a plastic container like for a pair of shoes - on the way over it can be stuffed with underwear, toiletries, etc. and then on the way back, you can place breakables in it. If I only check one bag, then I will put a duffle bag in my big suitcase in case I find lots of neatthings to buy. Then I can throw my clothes in the duffle bag and check it on the way bag and have room in my suitcase for my treasures.

12. Most European hotels do not supply washcloths.  If you use a washcloth, bring one with you.

13. Put identification on the outside of your luggage and on the inside, too.

14. Switch some of your items with those of a traveling companion. That way if your bags go missing, you'll still have some items with you.

15. Take lipgloss, chapstick or vaseline and body lotion in your carry-on.  Airplanes are notorious for drying out your skin and lips.

16. From the time you get off of the plane till the time you reach your destination, you NEVER know how long it will take, what the temperature will be or the circumstances. In your carry on, you should have at least one 8 ounce bottle of water and some kind of snack in case you get hungry or thirsty. (Now with security, you will have to buy it after you go through the security checkpoint).

17. Check the amount of liquids (toiletries – ounces) you can bring on board in on quart size Ziploc bag – it is either 3 or 4 ounces.

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